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Старый 15.03.2011, 14:11   #1  
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Обновления Microsoft Dynamics AX: AX 2009 Перерасчет пособий по временной нетрудоспособности и формирование печатной формы 2-НДФЛ.
Источник: https://mbs2.microsoft.com/fileexcha...e-da700dcf767b

Источник: https://mbs2.microsoft.com/fileexcha...e-da700dcf767b

Описание: Human Resources and Payroll (Russia)

Partnersource: https://mbs.microsoft.com/partnersou...rintpage=false

NEW! - SL2 layer containing Payroll and Human Resource Management for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 functionality for Russia is updated to include the new regulatory changes in printable 2-NDFL statutory reporting form (according to the RF Federal Tax Service order № МВ-7-3=611@ from November 17th, 2010) and in sick lists recalculation procedure (according to the Federal law № 343 from December 8th, 2010).

The new rules have to be used for personal taxation and social insurance purposes starting from the January, 1st of 2011 year.

More information is available in KB2504210.

NOTE: This release also requires Hotfix Rollup 6 (KB2405516) in addition to the above System Requirements.
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Последний раз редактировалось Poleax; 17.03.2011 в 15:28. Причина: добавил описание