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Старый 04.06.2010, 21:06   #1  
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emeadaxsupport: Workflow error. Cannot resolve Workflow originator when user language is not English

Some time ago we run into this problem for user whose language was Spanish although I can also happen for other users with different languages (i.e. Polish). 
When we configure the workflow assignment as “assign to:” to be “Role Based” and we choose “Workflow originator” The workflow task is never assigned to any user and a “Host Runtime ” error is logged on the event log.

Dynamics Adapter CallStaticClassMethod failed..
And in Workflow history form you can find error

"User group could not be found"
in local language (label @SYS105452)


The issue happens in class SysWorkflowProviderService method resolveParticipant in mentioned if:

// handle actor paricipants if (strcmp(enum2str(WorkflowActorType::Originator), _participant) == 0)


    users = WorkflowUserList::construct();



The problem here is that in Spanish

enum2str(WorkflowActorType::Originator) = Orginador del flujo de trabajo (@Sys102950)
_participant =Orginador del flujo

So the  strcmp (string compare) returns value false and user is not added. The parameter _participant is cut to 20 signs, the reason behind is that it is Extended Data Type WorkflowParticipantToken::Orginator which string size is setup to 20.

There can be two solutions:

1. Change property StringSize of WorkflowParticipant token to 40.

2. Create new label which length will be shorter than 20 and assign it to WorkflowParticipantToken::Orginator

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