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Старый 02.08.2007, 09:47   #1  
grif is offline
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Периодически возникает окно с таким сообщением об ошибке в Навижене 3.6. Что это такое и как с этим бороться?
Старый 02.08.2007, 12:37   #2  
Dzemon is offline
1,247 / 12 (3) ++
Регистрация: 09.09.2004
Хотфикс ставили? Номер ошибки какой?
Для ошибки 100 написано: "(1) If development is happening on a live system, this could easily happen. Especially if a user is trying to run an object that the developer is in the midst of changing. Try closing Financials and opening it again (to clear the object cache). You should never ever (ever) develop on a live system (only develop when you have opened the database locally). You will cause all kinds of problems and data corruption -- much of which is not repairable.Compile all of the objects with the database opened locally, correct any errors indicated, and then try to print/perform the process.(2) Another common situation for this to happen is when you attempt to print. This may mean that there is a property missing in the printer itself. Try running the printer setup, or switching to a different printer driver. Check the default printer setup on that workstation as well.Reported to Denmark - Never received Response from Denmark"
Старый 24.08.2007, 16:11   #3  
kgenius is offline
98 / 10 (1) +
Регистрация: 27.10.2004
Thumbs up
А ошибка то вылетает в какой момент?!

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