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The SQL query below shows a list of tables sorted by the largest tables first. For each table, the indexes in the table are shown. For each index it shows when the index was last used. The query is designed to collect various pieces of information in one place, and give an overview to help supporting decisions when doing index tuning.
The left hand columns show data for the table (No. of receords, data- and index size) to have a view of the impact of having indexes on the table. The right hand columns show data for each index, including Updates (costs) and Reads (benefits) and when it was last used sine the last time SQL Server was restarted. Further comments:
If you have comments or feedback, please feel free to post them here. Best regards Lars Lohndorf-Larsen Microsoft Dynamics UK Microsoft Customer Service and Support (CSS) EMEA --use NavisionDatabase IFOBJECT_ID('z_IUQ2_Temp_Index_Keys','U')ISNOTNULL DROPTABLE z_IUQ2_Temp_Index_Keys; -- Generate list of indexes with key list createtable z_IUQ2_Temp_Index_Keys( [l1] [int] NOTNULL, [F_Obj_ID] [int] NOTNULL, [F_Schema_Name] [nvarchar] (128)NULL, [F_Table_Name] [nvarchar] (128)NOTNULL, [F_Row_Count] [int] NULL, [F_Reserved] [int] NULL, [F_Data] [int] NULL, [F_Index_Size] [int] NULL, [F_UnUsed] [int] NULL, [F_Index_Name] [nvarchar] (128)NOTNULL, [F_Index_ID] [int] NOTNULL, [F_Column_Name] [nvarchar] (128)NOTNULL, [F_User_Updates] [int] NULL, [F_User_Reads] [int] NULL, [F_Last_Used] [datetime] NULL, [F_Index_Type] [nvarchar] (128)NOTNULL, [F_Index_Column_ID] [int] NOTNULL, [F_Last_Seek] [datetime] NULL, [F_Last_Scan] [datetime] NULL, [F_Last_Lookup] [datetime] NULL, [Index_Key_List] [nvarchar] (MAX)NULL ) go CREATENONCLUSTEREDINDEX [Object_ID_Index] ON [dbo].[z_IUQ2_Temp_Index_Keys] ([F_Obj_ID] ASC ) go CREATENONCLUSTEREDINDEX [Index_ID_Index] ON [dbo].[z_IUQ2_Temp_Index_Keys] ([F_Index_ID] ASC ) go CREATENONCLUSTEREDINDEX [RowCount_ID_Index] ON [dbo].[z_IUQ2_Temp_Index_Keys] ([F_Row_Count] ASC ) go insertinto z_IUQ2_Temp_Index_Keys SELECT (row_number()over(orderby a3.name, a2.name))%2 as l1, a1.object_id,--- a3.name AS [schemaname], a2.name AS [tablename], a1.rows as row_count, (a1.reserved +ISNULL(a4.reserved,0))* 8 AS reserved, a1.data * 8 AS data, (CASEWHEN(a1.used +ISNULL(a4.used,0))> a1.data THEN(a1.used +ISNULL(a4.used,0))- a1.data ELSE 0 END)* 8 AS index_size, (CASEWHEN(a1.reserved +ISNULL(a4.reserved,0))> a1.used THEN(a1.reserved +ISNULL(a4.reserved,0))- a1.used ELSE 0 END)* 8 AS unused, -- Index Description SI.name, SI.Index_ID, index_col(object_name(SIC.object_id),SIC.index_id,SIC.Index_Column_ID), -- Index Stats US.user_updates, US.user_seeks + US.user_scans + US.user_lookups User_Reads, case when(ISNULL(US.last_user_seek,'00:00:00.000')>=ISNULL(US.last_user_scan,'00:00:00.000'))and(ISNULL(US.last_user_seek,'00:00:00.000')>=ISNULL(US.last_user_lookup,'00:00:00.000'))then US.last_user_seek when(ISNULL(US.last_user_scan,'00:00:00.000')>=ISNULL(US.last_user_seek,'00:00:00.000'))and(ISNULL(US.last_user_scan,'00:00:00.000')>=ISNULL(US.last_user_lookup,'00:00:00.000'))then US.last_user_scan else US.last_user_lookup endas Last_Used_For_Reads, SI.type_desc, SIC.index_column_id, US.last_user_seek, US.last_user_scan, US.last_user_lookup, '' FROM (SELECT ps.object_id, SUM( CASE WHEN(ps.index_id < 2)THEN row_count ELSE 0 END )AS [rows], SUM(ps.reserved_page_count)AS reserved, SUM( CASE WHEN(ps.index_id < 2)THEN(ps.in_row_data_page_count + ps.lob_used_page_count + ps.row_overflow_used_page_count) ELSE(ps.lob_used_page_count + ps.row_overflow_used_page_count) END )AS data, SUM(ps.used_page_count)AS used FROMsys.dm_db_partition_stats ps GROUPBY ps.object_id)AS a1 LEFTOUTERJOIN (SELECT it.parent_id, SUM(ps.reserved_page_count)AS reserved, SUM(ps.used_page_count)AS used FROMsys.dm_db_partition_stats ps INNERJOINsys.internal_tables it ON(it.object_id= ps.object_id) WHERE it.internal_type IN(202,204) GROUPBY it.parent_id)AS a4 ON(a4.parent_id = a1.object_id) INNERJOINsys.all_objects a2 ON( a1.object_id= a2.object_id) INNERJOINsys.schemas a3 ON(a2.schema_id= a3.schema_id) innerjoinsys.indexes SI ON(SI.object_id= a1."object_id")--- innerjoinsys.index_columns SIC ON(SIC.object_id= SI.object_idand SIC.index_id = SI.index_id) leftouterjoinsys.dm_db_index_usage_stats US ON(US.object_id= SI.object_idand US.index_id = SI.index_id) WHERE a2.type <> N'S'and a2.type <> N'IT' orderby row_count desc go -- Populate key string declare IndexCursor cursorfor select F_Obj_ID, F_Index_ID from z_IUQ2_Temp_Index_Keys forupdateof Index_Key_List declare @objID int declare @IndID int declare @KeyString VARCHAR(MAX) set @KeyString =NULL open IndexCursor setnocounton fetchnextfrom IndexCursor into @ObjID, @IndID while@@fetch_status= 0 begin set @KeyString ='' select @KeyString =COALESCE(@KeyString,'')+ F_Column_Name +', ' from z_IUQ2_Temp_Index_Keys where F_Obj_ID = @ObjID and F_Index_ID = @IndID ORDERBY F_Index_ID, F_Index_Column_ID set @KeyString =LEFT(@KeyString,LEN(@KeyString)-2) update z_IUQ2_Temp_Index_Keys set Index_Key_List = @KeyString wherecurrentof IndexCursor fetchnextfrom IndexCursor into @ObjID, @IndID end; close IndexCursor deallocate IndexCursor go -- clean up table to one line per index deletefrom z_IUQ2_Temp_Index_Keys where [F_Index_Column_ID] > 1 go select [F_Table_Name] TableName, [F_Row_Count] No_Of_Records, [F_Data] Data_Size, [F_Index_Size] Index_Size, [F_UnUsed] UnUsed_Space, [F_Index_Name] Index_Name, [F_User_Updates] Index_Updates, [F_User_Reads] Index_Reads, [F_Last_Used] Index_Last_Used, [F_Index_Type] Index_Type, [Index_Key_List] Index_Fields from z_IUQ2_Temp_Index_Keys orderby F_Row_Count desc, F_Table_Name, [F_Index_ID] Читать дальше
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