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Старый 21.03.2007, 12:21   #1  
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eWeek: Project Green is Dead—for the Foreseeable Future, at Least

It's not a rumor. Project Green is dead or at least on life support. Converging Microsoft's Enterprise Resource Planning and Customer Relationship Management suites to a single code base is no longer the objective for the Dynamics development team.
"Will we get to a single code base? Maybe. It could be multiple, it could be one," said Coulombe. "But it could be multiple. What we're trying to do is say, 'What are the strategic things that allow us to add value to our customers?' And we're trying to focus in certain industries, with certain products…so one, two, three code bases, it doesn't matter. It's about driving value to the customers."More importantly, according to analysts, it's about keeping Microsoft's customer and (huge) ISV base happy.


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