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Старый 05.05.2011, 12:09   #1  
Arahnid is offline
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2009: Не получается запустить отчет SSRS
The DefaultValue expression for the report parameter ‘AX_CompanyName’ contains an error: Dynamics Adapter LogonAs failed. (rsRuntimeErrorInExpression

Лицензия на корпоративный портал есть (Структура корпоративного портала, пользователи корпоративного портала).
Серевер настроен и при проверке пишет успех. (веб службы: http://ax5-w8-01/Reportserver, для диспетчера отчетов http://ax5-w8-01/Reports)

Единственное объяснение, которое нашла
emeadaxsupport: Error during processing of 'AX_CompanyName' report parameter. (rsReportParameterProcessingError)
но у нас уже есть ключ. Что настроила не так?
Старый 05.05.2011, 12:52   #2  
Poleax is offline
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KB 2521632

Dynamics AX 2009 SSRS report is throwing the error "The Default value expression for the report parameter "AX_CompanyName" contains error"
Not able to run any SSRS reports that were deployed from Dynamics AX Reporting extensions. You are seeing this error - "The DefaultValue" expression for the report parameter "AX_CompanyName" contains an error: Dynamics Adapter LogonAs failed"

Business Connector session is not getting created.
You do not see a Business Connections session type in the online users form.
You also do not see an event ID of 172 for a Business connector startup session.

On the SSRS server machine where you have .NET BC installed, check the following:

* Check Microsoft.Dynamics.BusinessConnectorNet version in :\windows\assembly (GAC) by right clicking on this file, select Properties then select the Version tab. Make sure it's the same version as your AOS version (ax32serv.exe)

* Check the Dynamics AX client configuration for the Business Connector (non-interactive use only) configuration and make sure it is pointing to an active AOS in the Connection tab. (Administrative Tools> Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Configuration)

* Copy the BC configuration to the desktop and double click on it to launch Dynamics AX. This will validate that the configuration is good

* Check the Application event log on the server to make sure you do not see other errors as to why BC is not able to connect to the AOS. We have seen error in the event log indicating that the client path was wrong - it was trying to launch the AX client from \Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\50\Client\Bin instead of \Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics AX\50\Client\Bin on a 64 bit server (this is related to the next bullet point)

* If BC proxy account is also a Dynamics AX user, login to this server as the BC proxy account and validate you can launch AX successfully as the BC proxy user using the active configuration (not an axc file). We have seen issue where the AX config for the BC proxy user was not setup correctly in the registry (HKCU/Sofware/Microsoft/Dynamics AX/5.0/Configuration). You will see an error message indicating the path to the AX client is invalid if the issue is related to the previous bullet point when trying to launch the AX client (ax32.exe)

* Verify you can browse to the Enterprise Portal site or Reports Manager site successfully and that you do not see an Internet Explorer (IE) connection error. If you do see a connection error in IE, check to make sure you have "Automatically detect settings" selected for your proxy setting in IE. (In IE go to Tools> Internet Options> Connections tab> LAN Settings button and check the box by "Automatically detect settings"
Note This is a "FAST PUBLISH" article created directly from within the Microsoft support organization. The information contained herein is provided as-is in response to emerging issues. As a result of the speed in making it available, the materials may include typographical errors and may be revised at any time without notice. See Terms of Use for other considerations.

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Последний раз редактировалось Poleax; 05.05.2011 в 13:09. Причина: KB2521632
ax2009, reporting services, ssrs


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