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Старый 27.07.2007, 17:30   #1  
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Dynamics AX: To-Increase Project Center
Alright one of the neat things I personally like from a functional stand point about To-Increases IEM solution for Dynamics AX is the Project work they have done. This does mostly go with the Technical Quotes peice, but I wanted to more talk a little bit about Project Center. See this is Much more than what is offered through the standard project module in Dynamics AX. The Project Center is truly tailored towards Project Based Manufacturing for offering Bid like structuring for management of projects for a given IEM slated vertical customer.

With Project Center, you also get a tightly integrated view into the Technical Quotes for copying over that structure directly into a new technical quote with hardly any work. I also like the ability for the project structure in tracking out each of the levels and sub levels of a given project, throughout the life span of a project for a customer.

Here is some information that is more To Increase's web site [To Increase web site link]:

"Project Center
Supports project content management and documentation
Project Center is designed as a stand-alone application to support the latest project management and product development methodologies, including the Rational Unified Process and ISO 9001ccertified processes."

And here is the IEM Solution roadmap:

You can see that at each section, or functional area the Project Center would come into play. Mostly though in the Quote Bid and Source Engineering area's.

From this you can also see there is actually a lot offered through the IEM solution that is targeted towards project based manufacturing clients. Well check back soon as I continue to explore the Dynamics world around us!

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