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Старый 04.06.2008, 02:06   #1  
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axaptapedia: Regular expressions

Summary: /* Internal */
There are two kind of [ regular exressions] you can use in Ax

=== Internal ===
You can use the [[match function]] to chack whether string matches a regular exression or [[TextBuffer class]] to find a substring which matches reqular expression. Internal regexes have a very special syntax, which is described in a help for the match function in Ax 3.

boolean isCorrectPhone(str _s)
return match('', _s);

=== Reference (to be reformatted ) ===
Compares the fixed expression specified by pattern with the text string specified by text.

The system does not differentiate between lower and upper case.

A combination of fixed expressions is in itself a fixed expression.

The following special characters can be used to create the pattern in the fixed expression:

A backslash causes a specific character to be matched. For example, "\$" matches a dollar sign.

< or ^
A 'less than'( or & A 'greater than'(>) sign or an ampersand (&) at the end of the expression is used to match the end of a line.
? or . A question mark (?) or a full stop (.) will match any character (except Enter, new line).
:x A colon specifies a group of characters to be matched, indicated by the character which follows immediately after.
:a Sets the match to letters
:d Sets the match to numeric characters
:n Sets the match to alphanumeric characters
:SPACE Sets the match to blanks, tabulations, and control characters such as Enter (new line).
* An expression followed by an asterisk requires a match for none or several occurrences of the expression.

For example, "fo*" will locate "f", "fo", "foo" etc.

An expression followed by a plus (+) sign requires a match for one or several occurrences of the expression.

For example, "fo+" matches "fo" etc.

An expression followed by a minus (-) sign requires a match for no or one occurrence of the expression.

For example, "fo-" matches "f" and "fo".

A string of characters enclosed within square brackets specifies that a match is required for every character in this text, and only for these characters.

For example, "[xyz]" matches "xx" and "zyx" etc.

A string of characters can be specified by two characters separated by '-' (minus). For example, "[a-z]" matches all letters, whereas "[z-a]" never matches.

If the first character in a text within square brackets is a circumflex (^) then the expression matches all characters except Enter (new line) and the characters in the string.

For example, "[^xyz]" matches "abc" but not "axb".

Выходное значение

=== External ===
You can use more rich regexes via COM in Ax 3 or .NET in Ax 4

Ax 4 business code uses System.Text.Regex for many purporses such as email validation ( \Classes\SysEmailDistributor\validateEmail )

=== See also ===
[ Palle Agermark's WebLog : Use regular expressions in the Find dialog]

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