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Старый 25.02.2010, 12:39   #6  
kashperuk is offline
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Сообщение от belugin Посмотреть сообщение
правда имеет смысл только со много тросными строками.

А в чем капец в СисКолмпейр?

А, да, то есть АПИ таки есть.
Капец - да просто туча кода и фиг поймешь че делает. нечитаемо. один из методов:

/// <summary>
///    Fits records in the <c>ref</c> table so lines are only claimed one time.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
///    After this operation, lines may be claimed by several records if the lines appear in several
///    locations. In that case, one of the start positions and the length will be identical.
/// </remarks>
protected void fitRefs()
    //Fit all the shorter ones
    //and the ones overlapping with same length

    TmpCompareText ref2;

    // Example:
    // #1   1 -  5 ;  2 -  6   -> This is longer than #2 and is kept
    // #2   3 -  4 ; 10 - 11   -> This is shadowed by #1 and is deleted
    // #3   7 -  7 ; 14 - 14   -> #3 and #4 are identical, and decision is deferred to refCleanup()
    // #4   7 -  7 ; 20 - 20   -> #3 and #4 are identical, and decision is deferred to refCleanup()
    // #5  10 - 15 ; 25 - 30   -> This is longer than #6 and is kept
    // #6  17 - 20 ; 29 - 32   -> This is partly shadowed by #2, and is trimmed to: 19 - 20 ; 31 - 32

    while select ref
        order by Length desc, Text1Start
        while select forupdate ref2
            where ref2.Length   <= ref.Length &&
                  ref2.RecId    != ref.RecId  &&
                   ((ref2.Text1Start >= ref.Text1Start && ref2.Text1Start  <= ref.Text1End)  ||
                    (ref2.Text1End   >= ref.Text1Start && ref2.Text1End    <= ref.Text1End)  ||
                    (ref2.Text2Start >= ref.Text2Start && ref2.Text2Start  <= ref.Text2End)  ||
                    (ref2.Text2End   >= ref.Text2Start && ref2.Text2End    <= ref.Text2End))
            if ( ref2.Length   < ref.Length ||
                (ref2.Text1Start != ref.Text1Start &&
                 ref2.Text2Start != ref.Text2Start ))
                if (ref2.Text1Start >= ref.Text1Start && ref2.Text1Start  <= ref.Text1End)       //Cut start of text1 in ref2
                    ref2.Length     = ref2.Length     - (ref.Text1End + 1 - ref2.Text1Start);
                    ref2.Text2Start = ref2.Text2Start + (ref.Text1End + 1 - ref2.Text1Start);
                    ref2.Text1Start = ref.Text1End    + 1;
                    ref2.Text1End   = ref2.Text1Start + ref2.Length - 1;
                    ref2.Text2End   = ref2.Text2Start + ref2.Length - 1;
                if (ref2.Text1End   >= ref.Text1Start && ref2.Text1End    <= ref.Text1End)       //Cut end of text1 in ref2
                    ref2.Length     = ref2.Length    - (ref2.Text1End - (ref.Text1Start - 1));
                    ref2.Text2End   = ref2.Text2End  - (ref2.Text1End - (ref.Text1Start - 1));
                    ref2.Text1End   = ref.Text1Start - 1;
                    ref2.Text2Start = ref2.Text2End  - (ref2.Length - 1);
                    ref2.Text1Start = ref2.Text1End  - (ref2.Length - 1);
                if (ref2.Text2Start >= ref.Text2Start && ref2.Text2Start  <= ref.Text2End)       //Cut start of text2 in ref2
                    ref2.Length     = ref2.Length     - (ref.Text2End + 1 - ref2.Text2Start);
                    ref2.Text1Start = ref2.Text1Start + (ref.Text2End + 1 - ref2.Text2Start);
                    ref2.Text2Start = ref.Text2End    + 1;
                    ref2.Text2End   = ref2.Text2Start + ref2.Length - 1;
                    ref2.Text1End   = ref2.Text1Start + ref2.Length - 1;
                if (ref2.Text2End   >= ref.Text2Start && ref2.Text2End    <= ref.Text2End)       //Cut end of text2 in ref2
                    ref2.Length     = ref2.Length    - (ref2.Text2End - (ref.Text2Start - 1));
                    ref2.Text1End   = ref2.Text1End  - (ref2.Text2End - (ref.Text2Start - 1));
                    ref2.Text2End   = ref.Text2Start - 1;
                    ref2.Text1Start = ref2.Text1End  - (ref2.Length - 1);
                    ref2.Text2Start = ref2.Text2End  - (ref2.Length - 1);

                if (ref2.Length <= 0)
Да и сам метод run() в SysCompareText тоже, мягко говоря, не описан. Возвращаемый контейнер у меня состоял либо из 0 (если строки равны), либо из 1,2, если не равны. Причем я сперва подумал - круто, говорит, где именно ошибка. Но нет - просто возвращает 1,2 всегда

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