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Старый 02.10.2007, 04:49   #1  
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Inside Dynamics AX 4.0: Integration Technologies

Integration of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems with other systems within and beyond an organization is now a common requirement, and Dynamics AX provides a variety of ways to implement such integration. In below image shows all the integration components in Dynamics AX 4.0.

The integration components in Dynamics AX 4.0

All the integration components interact with Dynamics AX through the Application Object Server (AOS). Dynamics AX 4.0 supports only a three-tier architecture (earlier versions supported both a two-tier and a three-tier architecture), which means that the integration components, like the database, can interact with Dynamics AX only through the AOS. The majority of the integration components use Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 in some way, which is a reflection of the goal to make it easier for the development community to use the .NET platform for solutions development.
The .NET Business Connector enables development of managed applications, using the .NET Framework and a common language runtime (CLR)compatible language to integrate with Dynamics AX. In above image, the arrow from the .NET Framework to the .NET Business Connector shows that the managed applications interact with Dynamics AX through the .NET Business Connector, in contrast to how CLR interoperability works. The .NET Business Connector is the most general-purpose integration component in Dynamics AX and is particularly appropriate for developing custom applications that require a large degree of flexibility and control over implementation.
CLR interoperability enables external managed components to be instantiated and executed from the X++ code. In above image, the arrow from CLR interoperability to the .NET Framework represents the flow from the X++ code to the Microsoft .NET CLR, mirroring the flow into Dynamics AX via the .NET Business Connector. CLR interoperability is built into the Dynamics AX kernel and can therefore be used wherever the kernel runs. Like the .NET Business Connector, CLR interoperability is a general-purpose feature, and it is in many ways complementary to the type of integration that the .NET Business Connector provides.
The Application Integration Framework (AIF) is a comprehensive, feature-rich, standards-based integration infrastructure that provides the ability to implement loosely coupled, XML-based document integration scenarios with Dynamics AX. AIF comprises both synchronous Web services, which internally use the .NET Business Connector, and a more traditional integration component that supports a variety of asynchronous transports. These capabilities allow interaction with third-party systems and external trading partners. AIF is the recommended solution for business-to-business, application-to-application, and enterprise application integrations.
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