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Старый 23.10.2008, 03:26   #1  
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Dynamics AX: MSDW: Boost Sales During A Recession
There is a new white paper over at, and it's something that I suggest you check out.

Direct Link: Boost Sales During A Recession: The Growing Importance of Qualified Online Sales Leads

From the white paper description:
"Just because the economy is struggling, doesn’t mean ISVs have to.

Find out why it’s more important than ever that you begin the sales process with the best possible leads. Qualified leads improve your chances of reaching prospects backed up by serious and committed budgets—prospects who are prepared to make decisions…and to do all this with you rather than with the competition."

Thanks! And check back. I plan to talk about, over the next series of post, why Dynamics AX is generally attractive to companies looking for an ERP, and even more so in a tough economic session.

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