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Старый 24.10.2009, 23:05   #1  
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Jim Wang: Change the lookup view on Many-to-Many relationship

The N:N lookup view in CRM 4.0 is very basic: it only shows the primary field on the lookup entity. Say if you create a N:N relationship for Account and Contact, the lookup view looks like:

It's not convenient if you want to see more details of the lookup records. So, how can we change it?
How about if we put the standard view(Active Contacts View, Contact Lookup View, etc) on the left panel - Sounds great!

The solution includes two parts:
1. A customized lookupmulti.aspx in the ISV folder;
- Used for generating the lookup view.
2. Jscript code on the referencing entity(which is 'Account' in this case )
- Used for passing parameters to the custom ASPX page;

First of all, create a new folder under the: \CRMWeb\ISV\
Save the below code as a ASPX file in that folder, so you got, for instance: \CRMWeb\ISV\lookup\lookupmulti.aspx
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