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Старый 20.09.2018, 23:12   #1  
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powerobjects: Opening Web Resources in Dynamics 365 v8.2 versus v9.0

In this blog, we will discuss the differences opening web resources in Dynamics 365 v8.2 versus v9.0. The openWebResource client API function is used to open a HTML web resource. Let’s see how this feature improved from v8.2 to v9.0

Opening web resources in Dynamic 365 v8.2

General syntax for this:

  • Web Resource Name is the name of the web resource that needs to open.
  • Web Resource Data contains the data passed to the web resource.
  • Width is the width of the window.
  • Height is the height of the window.
1. The Web Resource Name is mandatory and other parameters are optional if you need to simply open the web resource then use:

2. If you need to pass data via the query string parameter then use:

3. You can also specify the width and height of window:

Opening web resources in Dynamics 365 v9.0

Utility is replaced by the Navigation client API in v9.0 and the general syntax for opening a web resource is:

  • Web Resource Name is the name of the web resource that needs to open
  • Window Options is an object that contains three attributes. i.e., Height, Width, & Open in New Window, which Indicates whether the web resource needs to open in a new window or the existing window
  • Web Resource Data contains the data passed to the web resource
1. Web Resource Name is mandatory and other parameters are optional if you need to simply open the web resource then use:

2. If we need to set window options then use:

3. If we need to pass data via the query string parameter then use:

This functionality is supported for both versions of Dynamics 365 v8.2 and v9.0 if you are using the supported web browsers. However, in the case of mobile devices this functionality works only in v9.0 and is not supported for v8.2.

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