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Старый 05.03.2019, 14:11   #1  
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crmtipoftheday: Tip #1226: Avoid Model-Driven Failure

When deploying model-driven apps, there are multiple potential points of failure that can affect users’ ability to access part or all of the app. The following is a non-exhaustive list of some of the more common areas to check if the user can’t see the app or access certain parts of it:
  • User is missing model-driven app privilege in security role
  • User’s security role is not granted access to the app
  • User’s security role or licence doesn’t give them access to some entities or records in the app.
  • User’s role doesn’t have access to forms in the app
  • User’s role doesn’t have access to dashboards in the app
  • User’s role doesn’t have access to business process flows in the app
Lesson learned: building an app is (fairly) easy but due diligence must be taken to ensure that the user’s of the app have appropriate privileges at multiple levels of components.

(Cover photo by Firdaus Roslan on Unsplash)

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