Microsoft Dynamics AX has many sites, and searching for and locating documentation and resources can be a challenge.
This blog will walk you through some available resources and give some tips to help you find the documentation that you are looking for:
- Use our Web search page – WebSearchAX. This tool provides a targeted search of TechNet, MSDN, communities and code samples
just for Dynamics AX. WebSearchAX provides you filters to control where on the web you are searching for help. Check out some additional information here.
- Check out the AXErd website here. The Ax content team has created about 30 entity relationship diagrams (ERD) for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 tables. ERD’s are
useful to AX developers when they need to customize a given application module, such as Accounts payable or General ledger. You can find additional information about AXErd here.
- Check out Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Resource pages in the Communities section of TechNet. Resource pages pull together answers for commonly asked questions about customer issues. Some of the available resource pages are Data import, export
and migration, Purchase Order Invoicing and Retail.
- Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services – Lifecycle Services provides a cloud-based collaborative workspace that customers and their partners can use to manage Microsoft Dynamics AX project. Based on the phase of your project and the industry you
are working in, the site provides checklists and tools that help you manage the project. It also provides a dashboard so that you have a single place to get up-to-date project information. You can find more information here. Lifecycle Services is available to customers and partners as part of their support plans. You can access it with your CustomerSource or PartnerSource
credentials. You can find Lifecycle Services here.
- A resource datasheet has been created to help you browse our website and in-product help, and to understand when to use each resource. You can download the datasheet here.
- Another great resource is the TechNet topic: Guide to online resources
- Stay up-to-date on available resources:
- Subscribe to the RSS feed from the AXSupport blog. This blog contains posts by the Microsoft Dynamics AX Support teams worldwide as well as the AX Content team.
- Follow the AX content team on Twitter @AXContent